The Broad Street Run (Writing Night)

2 min read

Prompt: Write in short clear sentences and avoid using adjectives/adverbs

The Broad Street Run

Jenny waited for the train to Olney Station.
She wore sneakers, tights, and a trash bag.
Some people on the train also wore sneakers and tights.
Other people wore shorts.
“Are you Neta’s Mom? I thought so! Patrick is in her class. I was in your house, once.”
People looked at their watches.
“When the train arrives, start running,” someone said.
After 10 minutes, the train restarted.
“Yay,” the crowd groaned.
Balloons spelled “BROAD STREET RUN” on the Olney platform.
Jenny followed the crowd to the corral.
It was not yet raining.
The Rocky Theme song played from a loudspeaker.
Jenny danced briefly.
The crowd started to run, so Jenny started to run.
Some neighborhood residents cheered and watched from their porches.
Some DJs and Emcees set up booths along the way.
“I like them shoes!”
After 2 miles, it started to rain.
It rained for 8 miles.
Jenny glanced down only to avoid puddles.
Her concentration broke when hearing the Temple University marching band.
It rained on the band.
Her concentration broke again when hearing “You Can Call Me Al” on Church speakers.
It rained on the Church members.
A neighbor held a big sign: “Slap this sign if you have to poop”.
Jenny slapped the sign, but did not have to poop.
“If my concentration is broken for these reasons, I can’t be mad,” she smiled.
At mile 9, Jenny thought, “You are nothing if not a strong finisher” and sped up.

Every month my writing group convenes for 90 minutes. 30 mins of shooting the breeze, 30 mins of creative writing, and 30 minutes of sharing. This is the unedited result.