3 Noises

1 min read

Prompt: Write a story that includes 3 sounds I hear around me

Kkkkk...kkk...kkk... 2 weeks away. Week over week, the familiar static had become a pavlov's bell for a little snooze as she lay heavy and horizontal. Today, though, sleep was chased just out of reach by a spike of anxiety.

"Aww. Look at her little toes." Sure enough, all 5 on each foot: a relief for her dark imagination. Kkk...kkk...clang! She flinched. The sticky wand just slipped from the doctor's hand onto the metal cart.

"Well, everything looks great Hannah. That's it. Your last checkup before delivery. If you have no further questions, I'll leave you to get dressed and wish you luck!" After a few exchanged thanks, the door clicked close. Hannah and her forever companion together, alone.

I wrote this short story on the back of a receipt in a bustling bar with a record player. It was inspired by an extended family member that was due any day.